7 Tips for Making This Year’s Holiday Photos the Best Ones Yet

family portrait at the Thomas Center in Gainesville FL

Having photographed families for years now, there are a lot of mini tips that I’ve learned that instantly make a holiday portrait session better. Whether you are hiring a professional this year or taking the photos yourself, here are some things that will make your images the best ones yet. Get Creative An easy default […]

For Photo Happy Moms: Easy Tips for First Day of School Pics

boy outside

Ok, how many of you moms/parents can’t wait to not only take your own kids’ annual first day of school pics (so that you have that fun last day of school photos to compare with) but also can’t wait to see everyone else’s? Let’s be honest, some parents have been getting hilariously creative with first […]

Men, Pay Attention: 7 Ways to Improve Your Dating Profile Photo

As technology has made everything easier for us, it also means we expect things quicker and make decisions much faster. From a simple swipe we watch movies instantly, make online purchases in seconds and decide on potential dates in a blink of an eye. Unfortunately for online dating, instant decision swiping doesn’t always give the […]